Alan Suggate
Alan Suggate taught Classics with RE in state schools, and then Religious Studies at the College of St Hild and St Bede, Durham, before moving to the Theology Department of Durham University. He completed his PhD on William Temple, and reworked it as William Temple and Christian Social Ethics Today (T. & T. Clark). He co-led a series of consultations between German Lutherans and Anglicans which produced the volume Worship and Ethics (Walter de Gruyter). He also taught Latin American Liberation Theology and East Asian Theologies, visiting Japan and South Korea several times, and publishing Japanese Christians and Society (Peter Lang). He now lives in active retirement, taking part in many faith and life ventures in the north-east of England, including the Arts and Recreation Chaplaincy. He has been a lay member of the parish church for 45 years, and is very interested in the potential of local churches for mission and social engagement.