Living Hope
Living Hope is the Church of England’s theme for Lent 2025.
It invites you to explore the hope God offers us – not wishful thinking, but something real, robust, alive. Each week it considers the idea of hope from a different angle as we journey with Jesus on the road that leads to the cross – and beyond, to the transforming hope of Easter Day.
- The booklet for adults offers daily Bible readings, pictures, short reflections, prayers and practical ideas to help you grow in hope and in faith during Lent.
- The booklet for children offers daily challenges to do, learn or think about something on the theme of hope. There are also weekly prayers and short Bible readings.
Supporting resources for churches, groups and individuals can be found via:

Living Hope Adult pack of 10
40 daily reflections for Lent
Multiple-component retail product
Living Hope Adult pack of 50
40 daily reflections for Lent
Multiple-component retail product
Living Hope Child pack of 10
A Lent journey for children
Multiple-component retail product
Living Hope Child pack of 50
A Lent journey for children
Multiple-component retail product