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Anglican Social Theology

Renewing the vision today

Anglican Social Theology

Renewing the vision today

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Publisher: Church House Publishing
ISBN: 9780715144404
Number of Pages: 160
Published: 25/07/2014
Width: 13.5 cm
Height: 21.6 cm

In periods of recession, churches frequently respond to social need in practical ways. These responses are often driven by pastoral concern rather than a theology of church and society. But without theological roots, such social action can be vulnerable and episodic. This volume, commissioned by a group of Bishops in hard-hit dioceses, looks to develop strong theological foundations for local social action initiatives by churches, especially for activists who are not familiar with the Church of England's tradition of social theology, developed by William Temple and others a century ago. In exploring what a renewed Anglican social theology might look like, this also draws on the impact of Catholic Social Teaching and focuses on the core topics of multiculturalism, economics, family patterns, ecology and other key issues.

Malcolm Brown

Malcolm Brown is Director of Mission and Public Affairs for the Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England. He was formerly Principal of the Eastern Region Ministry Course within the Cambridge Theological Federation, having previously spent ten years as Executive Secretary of the William Temple Foundation in Manchester. His early ministry was as a parish priest and industrial missioner in Kent and Southampton. He is author of a number of books including, After the Market (Peter Lang), The Church and Economic Life, co-authored with Paul Ballard (Epworth) and Tensions in Christian Ethics (SPCK).

Alan Suggate

Alan Suggate taught Classics with RE in state schools, and then Religious Studies at the College of St Hild and St Bede, Durham, before moving to the Theology Department of Durham University. He completed his PhD on William Temple, and reworked it as William Temple and Christian Social Ethics Today (T. & T. Clark). He co-led a series of consultations between German Lutherans and Anglicans which produced the volume Worship and Ethics (Walter de Gruyter). He also taught Latin American Liberation Theology and East Asian Theologies, visiting Japan and South Korea several times, and publishing Japanese Christians and Society (Peter Lang). He now lives in active retirement, taking part in many faith and life ventures in the north-east of England, including the Arts and Recreation Chaplaincy. He has been a lay member of the parish church for 45 years, and is very interested in the potential of local churches for mission and social engagement.

Jonathan Chaplin

Jonathan Chaplin is Director of the Kirby Lang Institute for Christian Ethics, Cambridge, and a member of the Cambridge University Divinity Faculty. He has taught political theory and political theology in the UK, Canada and the Netherlands. His publications include Living Lightly, Living Faithfully: Religious Faiths and the Future of Sustainability (Faraday Institute/KLICE), ‘Law, Religion and Public Reasoning’, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, 1:2 (2012), Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian Philosopher of State and Civil Society (University of Notre Dame Press), God and Global Order (Baylor) and God and Government (SPCK).

Anna Rowlands

Anna Rowlands is currently Lecturer in Theology and Ministry at King’s College, London until September 2014, when she will take up post as Lecturer in Contemporary Catholic Studies and Deputy Director of the Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University. She is a Research Associate at St Edmund’s College, Cambridge and the founding Chair of a new UK Centre for Catholic Social Thought and Practice. She has published widely on a range of themes in political theology, including Pathways to the Public Sphere (Lit Verlag), and is author of the forthcoming Catholic Social Teaching: A Guide for the Perplexed (Bloomsbury).

John Hughes

John Hughes was Dean of Chapel and Fellow of Jesus College and an affiliated Lecturer in the Cambridge University Faculty of Divinity where he taught philosophy, ethics, and Christian doctrine. He was the author of The End of Work: Theological Critiques of Capitalism (Wiley-Blackwell) and the editor of The Unknown God: Sermons Responding to the New Atheists (Wipf & Stock/ SCM Press). John tragically died in a car accident on 29 June 2014, just a short time before the publication of Anglican Social Theology.

Alan M. Suggate

Malcolm Brown is Director of Mission and Public Affairs for the Archbishops' Council. He previously taught ethics at Manchester University and in the Cambridge Theological Federation. Alan Suggate is former Senior Lecturer in Theology, University of Durham, and the foremost expert on William Temple. Jonathan Chaplin is a leading Anglican ethicist. He is based at the Kirby Laing Institute of Christian Ethics, Cambridge. Anna Rowlands is an expert on Catholic Social Teaching. Now based at Kings College, London, she previously taught Practical Theology at Westcott House, Cambridge. John Hughes is Dean of Chapel & Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. He teaches philosophy, ethics, doctrine, and social thought in the Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge.

“This is a book whose time has come… This book is important for those who wish to explore how and why Christians should be involved with food banks, debt relief and credit unions. It also plots questions as to the theological basis of Christian response to issues of climate change and environmental preservation. Over issues such as immigration or child poverty it provides theological background that goes beyond the pastoral imperative to the nature of God.” -- John Packer, Bishop of Ripon and Leeds


“If you want to know what are the theological underpinnings for the Church of England’s approach to social witness, then start here and join the search. It will be demanding, illuminating and worthwhile… This collection of essays scopes the territory for us and offers the opportunity both to build on and learn from those who have laboured before us… This collection does not offer the answers but it certainly gives us plenty of fuel with which to begin the task.” -- Dr Philip Giddings, Chair of the General Synod House of Laity


“Written by five theological heavyweights, Anglican Social Theology Today explains the origins, development, interactions and promise of recent Anglican thinking on social, political and economic issues of significance… This book is not so crass as to offer any ‘solutions’ to such deep-rooted problems, but it does and will make a vital contribution to how we think about them.” -- Nick Spencer, Research Director, Theos think tank


“This is just the right moment for this collection of essays to appear. The Church is increasingly coming to terms with the plural nature of public debate and secular society is increasingly acknowledging that faith will continue to be one of the voices in the public square.” -- Dr Helen Cameron, Research Fellow, Oxford Centre for Ecclesiology and Practical Theology and Head of Public Affairs, The Salvation Army