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A Way Through the Wilderness

Experiencing God's Help in Times of Crisis

A Way Through the Wilderness

Experiencing God's Help in Times of Crisis

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Publisher: Church House Publishing
ISBN: 9780715141885
Number of Pages: 80
Published: 31/10/2009
Width: 14.8 cm
Height: 21 cm

When faced with times of crisis or challenge, many people turn to self-help for support. But what about Christians - how can we find strength not merely in self-help but in God's help? A Way through the Wilderness is a five-session course which explores God's promise to comfort his people as they struggle through life's wildernesses. With extensive guidance for leaders as well as for group members, this is an inspiring choice for house, cell and Lent groups.

Paula Gooder

Paula Gooder is a freelance writer and lecturer in Biblical studies, a Reader in the Church of England and an honorary Canon Theologian at Birmingham and Guildford Cathedrals.

" User-friendly, undaunting and profound. The author is an experienced and trustworthy guide on our journey through Lent." -- Jane Williams

"Paula Gooder is a first-rate teacher of the Bible. This creative, thoughtful and sensitive course will be a rich resource for groups and individuals wanting to explore God's purpose in difficult times." -- Graham Tomlin, Dean of St Mellitus College, London